December 31, 2013

Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation

Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories -- and maybe, a way forward.

December 30, 2013

Lisa Bu: Como os livros podem abrir a nossa mente

O que acontece quando um sonho que tínhamos desde a infância... não se torna realidade? Assim que Lisa Bu se ajustou a uma nova vida nos Estados Unidos, ela voltou-se para os livros para expandir a sua mente e criar um novo caminho para si própria. Ela partilha a sua abordagem única sobre a leitura nesta palestra adorável e pessoal sobre a magia dos livros.

December 29, 2013

Chip Kidd: Fazer o design de livros não é tema de brincadeira. OK, é.

Chip Kidd não julga os livros pela capa, ele cria capas que dão corpo ao livro -- e fá-lo com um sentido de humor fantástico. Numa das apresentações mais engraçadas do TED2012, ele mostra a arte e o pensamento profundo das capas que desenha.

December 28, 2013

Julie Burstein: 4 lições sobre a criatividade

A apresentadora de rádio Julie Burnstein fala com pessoas criativas no dia-a-dia — e partilha quatro lições sobre como criar perante os desafios, a insegurança pessoal e a perda. Ouça os comentários da cineasta Mira Nair, do escritor Richard Frost, do escultor Richard Serra e do fotógrafo Joel Meyerowitz.

December 27, 2013

Robert Legato: A arte de criar admiração

Rob Legato cria efeitos especiais para cinema tão bons que (por vezes) superam a realidade. Nesta palestra calorosa e divertida, ele partilha a sua visão de como melhorar a realidade na tela, em filmes como "Apollo 13", "Titanic" e "Hugo".

December 26, 2013

Margaret Heffernan: Ousem discordar

A maioria das pessoas evita instintivamente o conflito, mas, como nos mostra Margaret Heffernan, um bom desacordo é fundamental para o progresso. Ela ilustra (por vezes contra-intuitivamente) como os melhores parceiros não são o eco um do outro - e como excelentes equipas de pesquisa, relações e negócios permitem às pessoas discordar profundamente.

December 22, 2013

Ken Robinson: How to escape education's death valley

Sir Ken Robinson outlines 3 principles crucial for the human mind to flourish -- and how current education culture works against them. In a funny, stirring talk he tells us how to get out of the educational "death valley" we now face, and how to nurture our youngest generations with a climate of possibility.

December 20, 2013

David Kelley: How to build your creative confidence

Is your school or workplace divided into "creatives" versus practical people? Yet surely, David Kelley suggests, creativity is not the domain of only a chosen few. Telling stories from his legendary design career and his own life, he offers ways to build the confidence to create...

December 18, 2013

Carmen Agra Deedy cria histórias

A contadora de histórias Carmen Agra Deedy produz uma engraçada, sábia e luminosa narrativa sobre pais e filhos, onde a estrela é a sua mãe cubana. Acomode-se e aproveite a viagem -- Mamã está a guiar!

December 17, 2013

Sculptris Basics

"Sculptris provides an excellent gateway into the exciting world of 3D. It's features are easy to learn, even for someone with no experience in digital art, yet robust enough for creating base models that can then be refined in other applications (...)" - in

You can download and use this software for free.

Here are a few tutorials to help you get started:

You may also be interested in creating your own brushes for Sculptris using GIMP:

Have fun, and share your creations :)

III Encontro de Instituições e Unidades de e-Learning do Ensino Superior

Transmissão online ao vivo:

Web Learning

Click on the pictures to read the posts.

December 15, 2013

Digital Storytelling 2.0

Sharing info about digital storytelling. Click on the images to see the full posts.

December 14, 2013

Daniel Tammet: Diferentes formas de conhecimento

Daniel Tammet tem sinestesia linguística, numérica e visual -- o que significa que a sua percepção das palavras, números e cores está entrelaçada numa nova forma de apreender e compreender o mundo. O autor de "Nascido num Dia Azul", Tammet partilha a sua arte e a sua paixão por línguas neste vislumbre da sua mente maravilhosa.

December 13, 2013

Descubra mais informação sobre aprendizagem online e criatividade na página

Five Amazing Games That Add a Third Dimension to Learning

"Four years ago I went from being a school teacher, to a position in distributed learning. The environment was “cutting edge” but many courses were still in paper format, and the online ones were largely electronic text. The cost of materials and course development translated into huge classes, and marking loads.

Student feedback was both inadequate and not at all timely. Worst of all, my students were not engaged and had little meaningful contact with their teacher.

After a year of feeling like a total failure I told the principal that I was dissatisfied with my teaching practice and needed to find a better way to engage the students in their learning. With her blessing, I began my search."
- Gord Holden from Vancouver, B.C.

Here is a list of five games Gord Holden has used in his classes:






To find out more about using these games as learning tools, please click here.

December 12, 2013

Tim Brown sobre a criatividade e o jogo

Na conferência "Serious Play" de 2008, o designer Tim Brown fala sobre a poderosa relação entre o pensamento criativo e os jogos -- com muitos exemplos que podem tentar em casa (e um que, se calhar, não deviam tentar).

December 11, 2013

What Kids Can Learn from Playing in Virtual Worlds

There are over 1 billion users of virtual worlds, online communities where users have avatars and participate in various simulated environments. Even more impressive than that number: roughly half of those virtual world users are under age 15.
(...) Virtual worlds are often dismissed as merely games and most do not claim to be educational websites. But there are plenty of informal learning opportunities for kids in these environments, particularly as these are often their first experiences with online communities. Participating in a virtual world can help kids learn how to communicate and behave online.
They can also be utilized to help bridge online and offline ethics. One virtual world, MiniMonos, for example, has an environmental theme and tries to make sustainability lessons clear to its users. If you don’t keep up with the recycling around your avatar’s treehouse, there are in-world consequences. The virtual world also ties this to the real world as well, rewarding users for various environmental actions they take in their own communities.

Full article available here.

December 10, 2013

Temple Grandin: O mundo precisa de todos os tipos de mentes

Temple Grandin, diagnosticada autista quando criança, fala sobre como a sua mente funciona - e compartilha a sua habilidade de "pensar em imagens", que a auxilia a resolver problemas que os cérebros chamados normais podem não conseguir. Ela defende que o mundo necessita de pessoas que se situam no espectro autista: pensadores visuais, pensadores em padrões, pensadores verbais, e todos os tipos de crianças inteligentes.

December 9, 2013


What about the firewall? Creating virtual worlds in a public primary school using Sim-on-a-Stick.
Lisa Jacka & Kate Booth
 Read the full article here.

December 8, 2013

Stuart Firestein: The pursuit of ignorance

What does real scientific work look like? As neuroscientist Stuart Firestein jokes: It looks a lot less like the scientific method and a lot more like "farting around … in the dark." In this witty talk, Firestein gets to the heart of science as it is really practiced and suggests that we should value what we don’t know -- or “high-quality ignorance” -- just as much as what we know.

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